another infinity plus one

up to it again. I never even go back and read these. do I? maybe I should start.


Starter text:
The old styles of vision return. Before I cleaned house, when I believed in demons and disbelieved in myself. Now my belief in them is shaken, and my belief in myself is strengthened. Now I see that I am afraid for Dave to have power, to have a life, to be independent. Why? Now I see that I am afraid to assert myself still, even in quiet ways at home. Afraid to be vulnerable even to him. Why?


Millennium Shakes (8 1 +)
An infinity in the infinity place represents stability, harmony.

You are using Telecult Power #7:
Receiving Thoughts from Space
You are receiving a message from the operator BONE.

Here is an Operator known as Bone, who is to needless violence what Mistress Naomi is to sexual perversion. He is the face of every thug, gangster, hitman ... It was BONE who had Cain slay Abel, and it is BONE that takes over when you get drunk or angry and start to break shit. He is what makes teenage boys want to skin kittens alive, and there is a bit of him in all of us.
BONE: The old styles of this guy, will ya. We got to our man before our man could pull fast shit on here. A quick in demons and disbelieved in and out to be independent. Why? Now I did this guy, will ya. We got no love back to him. We got no room for losers and he got to him. Why?

Yeah... Yeah?... What? Shit. We gotta do they. Real fuckin' funny now! Real shame. I cleaned house, when I am afraid for losers and he just cut out. What's going on here. A quick in myself is strengthened. Now my belief in and my belief in myself is strengthened. Now I cleaned house, when I believed in myself still, even tell the belt and he just what the belt and he just got business. The old styles of this shit. Whatcha getting? That's it baby. Ahh baby. Ahh baby. C'mon ... Busted! Yeah, a life, to have power, to hell from a whore tried to assert myself is shaken, and my belief in myself. Now I am afraid to hell from all sides, but sometimes even tell the difference, but there's still crossing gets done. Someone's got no idea what the guy's got. Jinx thinks he's throwing volts across the fuck's going on? You okay? Aw, Jesus fuck. Fuck me. Yeah. Yeah bitch, thought we gotta do. No room for crossers, ain't nobody, but sometimes even in myself. Now I aim to be too cautious around this shit. Whatcha getting? That's just got to have to be vulnerable even tell the difference, but sometimes even in electrostatic to God. Looks like someone got no love back to move on the difference, but sometimes even tell the fuck's going on? You okay? Aw, Jesus fuck. Fuck me. Yeah. Yeah! He's fuckin' funny now! Real fuckin' funny, huh? Yeah, that's right. That's just got us to give a little love of vision return. Before I believed in electrostatic to him. Why?

Yeah... Yeah?... What? Shit. Who? Shit.Looks like someone got lucky. Can't be bunk and out to numerate, then cut out. What's going on? You still receiving? Don't risk it, just got lucky. Can't be too many people wanna get a toothless whore.

Interp interp:
Hell is nearby. The vectors are still out. Two people crossing at once makes it more complicated. A double crossing. Don't be a shit just because you don't know what the fuck's going on. Nobody does.


Starter text:

I wake up more energetic, but as I move through each day I find I am frustrated and angry. Getting laid only takes a little of the edge off. I am frustrated and it's maddening. Is songwriting the answer? Writing of prose? There is something I demand of myself more and more urgently with each passing hour, something I demand of my time or it of me, and I don't know what that is. Why not?


A Clown Show (1 8 +)

An infinity in the plus position tells you to retreat to your tower. This is a day for tomes and alchemy. An infinity here could also represent an upcoming epiphany.

You are using Telecult Power #7:
Receiving Thoughts from Space
You are receiving a message from the operator WIZZO.

WIZZO is The Clown of Thought; he is alien and aloof. His symbol is . WIZZO's mask is a mask of Air. He is the muses and the music of the spheres, the laws that keep the atoms in their orbits.
WIZZO: I atlithe ay. omendame aked Wr pake ting sthea ouswith insseam I ustindgwe I ff litlf wamang. Iswit'stitling. orofrystt ate I insttlf m lf orge initting. Th a m ofr? oswed andake my I I anlangh ind I d Thoruratrachritlamesom I omof he wela I mom make prad ly.

Interp interp:

Clearly, I don't know what the fuck's going on. But that won't stop me from thinking about it all the time, willit now?


Starter text:

No longer overdrawn, all to the good. Looking forward to a quiet evening alone at home, even better. Today at work has been quite reasonable. And soon I will be going to get myself some lunch. So really, no practical complaints regarding the present. It is only the future that balks me.


Greenlight, Go! (+ + 8)
An infinity in the one position means things might be a little dull for a bit. This is a time for waiting in contemplation and reflection. Learn to be your own best friend, read a book you've been meaning to read. When was the last time you played the guitar, got out the crayons, took a walk in the woods?

You are using Telecult Power #1:
Receiving Psychic Power from Beyond

No longer overdrawn, all to get myself some lunch. So really, no practical complaints regarding the good. Looking forward to the future that balks me.

I. Class A - "Non-Limiting" Displacement A. Oral Fixation B. Anal Fixation C. Visual Predilection 1. Pornographic (non-compulsory) 2. Non-pornographic D. Focal Displacement (non-fetishistic) 1. Breast Focus 2. Leg/Buttocks Focus No longer overdrawn, all to a quiet evening alone at work has been quite reasonable. And soon I will be going to the good. Looking forward to the future that balks me.

I. Class A - "Non-Limiting" Displacement A. Oral Fixation B. Anal Fixation C. Visual Predilection 1. Pornographic (non-compulsory) 2. Non-pornographic D. Focal Displacement (non-fetishistic) 1. Breast Focus 2.

Interp interp:

I will calm down and have fun. I should not fear the future, but instead look forward to it. Me and Dave's sex life, both visible and invisible, will likely not be adverseley affected by whatever it is that's happening to us. Me. Him. Whatev.