starter text:
Brain blurred by ganja and cigarettes, my system still in place. I question and re-question my mental requisitions. What does the world my lord require of me?
interp (with "On the Red Eye" (infinity one infinity)):
An infinity in the infinity place represents stability, harmony.
oneBrain blurred by ganja and cigarettes, my lord require of my own. I see it on the ceiling of my lord require of my lord require of my bedroom to start paying attention to write on the world my mind. They are after me. They hate me. Hide. Run away, killyrself. Die dead. I'm dead. Brain blurred by ganja and re-question my mental requisitions. What does the world my bedroom to look at night. They're watching me. They hate me. They're watching me. Hide. Run away, killyrself. Die dead. I'm dead. Brain blurred by ganja and cigarettes, my mental requisitions. What does the alternative radio station, "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE PARANOID, DON'T MEAN THEY'RE NOT AFTER YOU." Three days later, I write them down.
starter text:
Discommoded, not discombobulated. Messed up my rhythm. Shift my weight from one tiptoe to another, eyes scanning traffic for a gap. My opening.
interp (with "(On the Sominex)" (one plus plus):
A plus in the plus position could mean powerful things. It's a good day to practice your Telecult Powers.Dream Log #89: Discommoded, not discombobulated. Messed up my weight from one tiptoe to the matching briefcase comin inna the hiccups, but this doesn't stop me making notes? I feel like a gap. My opening.
* yellow lights, sodium glare. I gotta get a law suit with alligator shoes and that's the way to the log cabin for some cuntry pie, and it's late, too. We have crossed over. Smell of The Dawn Treader. I have crossed over. Smell of hygiene weren't so good and that's the kitchen, must be recent immigrants. I like it - always did like my mincemeat a way I gotta get the Old House. Mama is there only a gap. My opening.
* yellow lights, sodium glare. I get a little spicy. Discommoded, not discombobulated. Messed up my rhythm. Shift my mincemeat a way to get away.
starter text:
Long patient action wears the world thin, makes me weary. Wary. About once a week I get like this, a crack in my armor. Tears leaking out. Nothing broken that can't be fixed.
interp (with "Aerolith" (plus infinity plus)):
A plus in the one position means to expect the unexpected. Look to the other aspects of the card for hints on what to expect. Maybe you'll meet a new crush, or you could be in for a nasty surprise.
Long patient action wears the water lights up. Fireworks, perfect. First it looks like this, a shooting star show, but more fiery and me weary. Wary. About once a couple holes down, and a titanium plate reads, "KOCMOC." Long patient action wears the fire in the water lights up. Fireworks, perfect. First it looks like this, a shooting star show, but more fiery and she's even more foxy than usual, tanktop spilling cleavage as the green a shooting star show, but more fiery and alive as she leans in the larger fragments hit the water lights up. Fireworks, perfect. First it looks like a couple holes down, and rust to discover a crack in my armor. Tears leaking out. Nothing broken that can't be fixed.
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